Justice may finally be served -- Pennsylvania judge ruled on Tuesday that Bill Cosby will be going to trial.

During a pretrial hearing, the judge has found enough evidence to proceed with Cosby's sexual assault trial. Cosby's court date is slated for July 20.

The 78-year-old walked into the courtroom aided by his spokesman, Andrew Wyatt, according to CNN. The outlet is reporting that Cosby listened attentively during the hearing, said very little and occasionally stretched his neck.

Andrea Constand, who was an employee at Cosby's alma mater Temple University, accused Cosby of sexually assaulting her back in 2004. The fallen funny man faces three counts of felony indecent assault.

Constand was the first of more than 50 women who have come forward accusing the former Cosby Show legend of misconduct.

Cosby faces up to 10 years in prison -- and we hope he gets convicted and has to serve every minute of his sentence!

This news comes out right after the Associated Press revealed that the publication got their hands on excerpts of Cosby's deposition from a previously-settled civil lawsuit filed by Andrea Constand. In the deposition, the actor admits to having sex with at least two teen girls and revealed that a modeling agency would send "five or six" models to his studio each week while he was filming one of his sitcoms.

Wow ... what a terrible human ...