We're not sure how she placed, but she did post a photo on Instagram with a trophy, so she clearly won something!

Real Housewives of Orange County star Tamra Judge competed in her very first Muscle Mania fitness competition over the weekend, and all those months of training look like they paid off.

"Hard work, determination and it all comes down to tonight," the 58-year-old star wrote on Instagram. "Thank you @mia_finnegan for training me and being so dedicated. Thank you @juliusmichael1 from @juliusmichaelsalon for the amazing #hair you always do for me and for being a dear #friend. Thanks @missm1437 for my amazing #makeup always. Thanks for @milliondollartan for making me look pageant perfect! #fitness #glamorous #RHOC #tamrajudge #juliusmichael #love my #glamteam so much!"

After the competition was over, Judge shared a pic with her personal trainer husband Eddie -- and a huge plate of nachos. “Amazing experience,” she wrote, adding, “But it’s Time to relax and enjoy the holiday weekend with friends and family."

Sounds like she earned it!