Kaley Cuoco Gets Some Air With Her Four-Legged Friend
Posted on Sat Aug 13th, 2016 11:38am PDT By X17 Staff

Big bang theory? More like big fence theory!
Kaley Cuoco and her gorgeous dapple grey horse caught some air on Friday during a lesson in Burbank, and the actress seemed unfazed by the size of the jumps in the ring. Such a badass, this one! And to think, in 2010 she broke her leg after a nasty fall, which had her hospitalized for several weeks.
"I looked, and I'm like, wow, my foot's facing me. And I was like, that's not normal," she told Ellen DeGeneres a few years ago. "When I awoke with my leg, I was so happy. I was back on the horse while the cast was still on. I have four horses, and they are my every