A trial date has been set for Bill Cosby! Huzzah!

The disgraced television star will finally be going to trial for allegedly sexually assaulting a woman at his home in 2004. A Pennsylvania judge has set the trial is slated to begin on June 5, 2017.

Former Temple University employee Andrea Constand has accused the 79-year-old comedian of drugging and molesting her at his home outside of Philadelphia.

The former Cosby Show could serve up to 10 years in prison if convicted.

Over 50 women have come forward to accuse the fallen star of sexual assault, but Cosby is only facing charges for his conduct with Constand. However, prosecutors want 13 of the women to testify.

The 13 women may be allowed to testify because in the state of Pennsylvania witnesses are allowed to give evidence of prior acts that display a "common scheme, plan, or design."

The prosecutors apparently would like to show that Cosby has a pattern of behavior with other women that is consistent with Constand's accusations.

A lawyer for Cosby says he welcomes the trial date: "The time has come to shine a spotlight on the trampling of Mr Cosby's civil rights."