This is seriously the funniest!

Ellen Degeneres and Britney Spears took advantage of their celebrity status at an LA mall in this hilarious skit for the comedienne's talk show, and it's everything you'd hoped it would be.

"I wanted to take advantage of the celebrity lifestyle with my famous friends. So I called Britney Spears and took her to the Westfield Fashion Square Mall. I told her we could do whatever we wanted because we’re famous," the TV host said while introducing the clip.

The duo start out in the clothing department and asked for "100 percent discounts" just because they are famous, before running up the down escalator and making their way to an ice cream stand.

Then they hit up the children's indoor playground and encourage the kiddos to ditch their professional ambitions for fame. "Start auditioning them early, put them on diets, get them facials, massages. If you want to be taken care of by your children, start auditioning them now!” they tell the awestruck parents.

They end the segment by tucking in for a nap at a home goods store. You have to watch the whole thing, you'll be crying laughing by the end!