Donald Trump seems to be digging himself deeper and deeper into a mess that he'll never be able to recover from, and on Tuesday night the presidential nominee further made an idiot of himself by telling voters to hit the polls on the wrong day!

During a campaign stop in Florida Trump said, “Go and register. Make sure you get out and vote, November 28. If you’ve already registered, request an absentee ballot today and vote!” Perhaps someone should inform him that Election Day is actually on November 8?

Earlier in the day, Trump tweeted, "It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to." This of course came after a number of Republicans withdrew their support for the disgraced wannabe politician, and Trump continued on Twitter, "The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain begged for my support during his primary (I gave, he won), then dropped me over locker room remarks!"

Um, can we stop calling them locker room remarks? Words we think work better are sexist, disgusting, derogatory and inexcusable!