You just know they're working overtime to solve this crime...

The assailants who stole millions of dollars in jewelry from Kim Kardashian still haven't been caught, and cops believe the crime was an inside job, reports claim. Investigators think it's more than suspicious that the criminals knew just when to strike, just minutes after her bodyguard Pascal Duvier left for the night to protect Kourtney and Kendall at a Paris nightclub.

They are now reviewing other tenants in the building's phone records, as well as the people who knew Kimmy K's schedule and whereabouts the night of the incident. They are also looking at the surveillance footage from cameras surrounding the apartment. Has it not occurred to them that the thieves could easily have just been checking the reality star's Snapchat?!

In a disturbing twist, French authorities are now saying that the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star was trailed by two men for days before the robbery, and they have their suspicions that they were involved in the heist.

"We know there was one man who pretended to be a photographer who followed the American celebrity on a motorbike to find out her whereabouts. Another man pretended to be a plain-clothed detective to try to get a seat next to her at the exclusive Ferdi restaurant on Thursday night. But both men were fakes. The photographer tried to listen in to the conversations by other snappers but he was challenged by the genuine ones. And the so-called policeman fled when staff at Ferdi asked to see his credentials," a source dished to the DailyMail.

"We know the licence plate of one of the vehicles used, a Fiat 500, and a photograph of one of the suspects. They both appear to be French and highly professional. But this kind of robbery could only have been carried out by a sophisticated international criminal organisation. It would have to be if they had any hope of re-classify the stolen jewels and sell them again," the source added.

The fact that this happened is still so insane to us!