James Corden and Tom Cruise recreating 30 years of movie magic in one epic sketch?! Now that's our kind of collab!

The funnyman and the A-lister reenacted scenes from Cruise's long list of films on The Late Late Show on Wednesday night -- and pretty much every second of it was on point.

The hilarious sketch showed Cruise and Corden recreating scene after scene at a breakneck pace from Top Gun, Rain Man, Risky Business, Vanilla Sky and many more of the actor's famous films.

Our favorite part of the nine-minute montage, which spanned more than 30 years of the superstar's blockbuster career, was when the twosome replicated the spine-tingling scene from Mission: Impossible in which the actors hovered inches from the ground while suspended by wires before jumping onto motorcycles a la Mission: Impossible II.

Umm we want James Corden in all of Tom Cruise's movies from now on!