Well this is embarrassing!

Cuba Gooding Jr. got the party started a little early at the Footwear News Achievement Awards in New York on Tuesday and made a total ass out of himself while giving a speech onstage. This was after he thought he had a chance with fellow attendee Rihanna!

"He played OJ on TV, but he really was juiced. He was hitting up the bar as soon as he did the red carpet and, with some liquid courage under his belt, made a beeline for Rihanna," a source dished to Daily Mail.

"He's a friend of John Varvavtos and was there to present him with an award, and when got on the stage, the first thing he did was put a drink down. It was pretty funny and like watching a drunk uncle giving a toast at a wedding - expletives and all," the source added.

The actor wasn't even making sense!

"I think we all owe a debt of gratitude for this amazing meal they put together tonight. Because nothing says I love you like f**king sugar. F***king boxed lunch. I'm drunk now, m****rf***ers, so deal with it. I thought the BET Awards were cheap. Did they want me to show them the money, what the f**k?" he told the crowd.

Time to sober up, dude!