President Trump has taken office, and celebrities aren't holding back on their reactions.

Here are some of the best lines from our favorite stars:
    Hillary Clinton: I’m here today to honor our democracy & its enduring values. I will never stop believing in our country & its future. #Inauguration.

    Katy Perry: Sleeping in. Then I'm marching. #Women'sMarch.

    Chrissy Teigen: What a beautiful prayer. makes me wanna grab my puss. i was going to go to sundance to support john tomorrow but feeling compelled to support my fellow women. see you at the women's march, DC.

    John Legend: The last 2 inaugurations were very crowded. This one is so… roomy.

    Andy Cohen: I look forward to the new President setting a great example from today on!

    Julie Bowen: I think Barron is on his Gameboy. Can’t say I can blame him.

    Sarah Silverman: This is the most I’ve ever heard the words Jesus Christ and the most I’ve ever said the words Jesus Christ.

    Olivia Wilde: Stop telling me to "get over it". Get UNDER it. He works for US. The democratic process is constant. Stay informed, stay engaged, speak up.

    Zoe Saldana: I'm trying to be a respectful diligent American rt now but as I start to watch this inauguration- Regression is the word that comes to mind.

To say Hollywood isn't thrilled is an understatement!