Fans want answers!

Niall Horan arrived at LAX yesterday and couldn't seem to get a word in edgewise as fans and photographers questioned him about a possible One Direction reunion, but according to reports, if and when that happens, it will be well down the line. The British hunk is set to release his first solo album, but he recently revealed he's pushing back the date to make sure it's perfect.

"I am taking my time on it. I don’t want to rush it. I said it would be out at the start of the summer but I might push it back now a small bit. I don’t really have an idea. I’ll keep writing until it’s there and when it’s there I’ll let everyone know. It’s not going to be all singles," he told the Daily Star.

Still, the boy band might get back together once their solo projects are off the ground.

"We all know they are all working on their own things right now, but Niall, Louis, Liam and Harry are definitely for it but it will be years down the line. When they have done all the stuff they want to do personally," a source dished to Hollywood Life.

"People forget that they all wanted solo glory, but were put together as a group. They want nothing more right now then to succeed by themselves before thinking of getting back together," the source added.

We'll be waiting!