That mother-fer is OUT! Fox News' top-rated, top-grossing show host Bill O'Reilly is getting his due after a rash of sexual harassment claims have come to light. And by the way, screw 21st Century Fox of taking so long to let this dude go!

The new channel's parent company said in a statement Wednesday, "After a thorough and careful review of the allegations, the Company and Bill O'Reilly have agreed that Bill O'Reilly will not be returning to the Fox News Channel."

Uh yeah, HE agreed he shouldn't return -- he fired himself. After The New York Times reported earlier this month that Fox had paid out $13 million in settlements to five women who accused O'Reilly of sexual harassment or verbal abuse and then at least 60 advertisers pulled their commercials from The O'Reilly Factor, it's not super surprising the network let the 67-year-old newscaster go.

O'Reilly announced last week he was going on a planned vacation that he'd booked months previous. Insiders say O'Reilly learned of Fox's decision only today. The reporter and his peeps have yet to respond but media have been told a statement is forthcoming.

In a letter to 21st Century Fox employees, head honcho Rupert Murdoch said the decision comes following "an extensive review done in collaboration with outside counsel." It goes on to read: "By ratings standards, Bill O'Reilly is one of the most accomplished TV personalities in the history of cable news. In fact, his success by any measure is indisputable. Fox News has demonstrated again and again the strength of its talent bench. We have full confidence that the network will continue to be a powerhouse in cable news. Lastly, and most importantly, we want to underscore our consistent commitment to fostering a work environment built on the values of trust and respect."

O'Reilly's not the only rich white guy in a position of power at Fox who's been accused of sexual harassment/abuse -- there's the deposed chief executive Roger Ailes who was famously sued by reporter Megyn Kelly and let go. Other woman have had similar claims against Ailes and a new allegation says Fox's current management tried to cover up for Ailes and avoided interviewing woman in the company who had made claims against Ailes when an outside law firm was hired to investigate these very claims.

It all sounds very messed up, very in keeping with supporting a president who likes to "grab [women] by the pussy." Enough already.