Holy hotness!

Ashley Graham poses nude in the latest issue of V magazine, and she talks all about how she learned to love her famous curves.

“I remember my first signs of cellulite, in middle school. I remember telling my mom ‘Isn’t it disgusting? It’s so ugly.’ She pulled her pants down and said, ‘Look, I have it, too. And I was like, ‘Gasp!’" she told the mag. "She looked at me, then at it, and just rolled her eyes. She didn’t tell me that it’s beautiful or ugly. She just made it a nonissue,” she added.

So what strong women does she look up to these days?

"Today I have two role models. One of them is my mom. Just seeing how happy she has been going through [life] and how she’s handled every curveball is like, that’s a women who has integrity and dignity and has been kind and generous to people around her," she gushed.

"Business-wise, it’s Kathy Ireland, she’s OG. When she was young and in Sports Illustrated she was like, I’m going to sell some socks and make a business. Now she has a billion-dollar company. Kathy Ireland, if you’re out there, I’m still trying to be your best friend. You’re on my vision board," she quipped.

This is one confident mega babe!