Report: Brad Pitt And Sienna Miller "Couldn't Keep Their Hands Off Each Other" At Glastonbury Music Festival
Posted on Mon Jun 26th, 2017 8:50am PDT By X17 Staff

Look away now, Angelina!
Brad Pitt and Sienna Miller were reportedly spotted getting quite cozy at the Glastonbury music festival over the weekend, multiple outlets report. The pair, joined by pals including Bradley Cooper, got handsy and didn't appear to care who saw... and people did!
"Brad and Sienna couldn't keep their hands off each other, touching and stroking each other at every opportunity. They seemed really intimate. They seemed keen to get away from prying eyes and made a dash for the Rabbit Hole, the festival's underground and exclusive venue, with a group of friends and were inseparable as they waited to go inside," a source dished to The Sun.
"The party was cut short and they had to leave after five minutes because the venue was closing. Bradley Cooper left and Brad and Sienna headed back arm in arm to their private Winnebego," the source added.
This source wasn't the only one witness to their lovefest, though!
"Brad and Sienna were looking very cozy. I couldn't believe it - they were kissing in the VIP section of the Rabbit Hole," another source told The Daily Star Online.
Romance rumors between the two first swirled back in April, but the British actress was quick to shoot them down. "I'm not going to even dignify it with a response. It's predictable and silly," she told Page Six at the time.
Where there's smoke, there's usually fire. They're totally hooking up on the down low!