We seriously don't know how she's holding it all together!

Jennifer Garner was up bright and early in Brentwood this morning, and she didn't seem the least bit fazed by the fact Ben Affleck has basically moved his mistress into her backyard. She must have a really good therapist!

The actress discovered her then-husband was having an affair with the SNL producer back in 2015, and confronted her while on a work trip to NYC.

A source tells X17:
    "Jen was in New York on business, and had her people locate Lindsay so she could get some answers. She caught Lindsay totally off guard, and the meeting was super tense. Jen tried to tell Lindsay that she and Ben were working on their marriage, and Lindsay wasn't having it. She told Jen they were in love and planning to be together, and that she should talk to Ben about why he wants the split."

The Dallas Buyer's Club star isn't going to sit around and cry about all this, though!

Another source tells us:
    "Jen isn't ready to date quite yet, but she's been telling friends that the next guy she's with is going to be a shock to Ben. She wants someone with the whole package - status, power, money, good looks. She's eyeing single directors, because she knows that would drive Ben insane with jealousy. His biggest dream is to be taken seriously as a director, and she wants to dig in the knife a little bit."

This town isn't big enough!