Lena Dunham Praises Taylor Swift For Her "Fierce" Testimony In Groping Trial
Posted on Fri Aug 11th, 2017 9:35am PDT By X17 Staff

Girl power!
Lena Dunham took to Twitter yesterday to praise pal Taylor Swift for taking a stand against Denver deejay David Mueller, who she claims grabbed her bare butt during a meet-and-greet in 2013.
"Proud of @taylorswift13 for her fierce & cutting testimony & her refusal to settle for being treated like property. Her example is powerful," the Girls star tweeted.
Mueller claims he is innocent, and merely grazed her ribcage during the alleged incident. Not so, says T-Swizz!
"I am not going to allow you or your client to make it seem like this is in anyway my fault, because it isn’t. He did not touch my rib, he did not touch my arm, he did not touch my hand, he grabbed my bare ass," she told Mueller's lawyer in court.
"This is what happened, it happened to me, I know it was him. I am being blamed for the unfortunate events of his life that are a product of his decisions and not mine," she added.
This takes a lot of bravery.