She's comfortable in her own skin!

Demi Lovato strolled through LAX in a crop top and high waisted pants yesterday, and the singer has never seemed more confident after recently declaring that she's given up dieting and is focusing on loving herself instead.

"Feeling gross today at a photo shoot but I’m choosing to accept what I see because I love myself for who I am and your love and support gets me through moments like this if you’re struggling as well, don’t forget.. if I can do it, you can too!” she tweeted last Friday.

"No longer depriving myself of treats (in moderation) and I’m not gonna lie, I put on a couple lbs since I’ve given up dieting BUT I’ve given up the chronic stress of what I eat because I don’t want to set that example for my fans. No more food shaming myself!!” she added.

We just admire the chart topper so much. She's overcome everything from addiction to bipolar disorder to eating disorders, and she's been so honest with her struggles in an effort to raise awareness. Bravo, girl, bravo!