Scott Disick Reunites With Sofia Richie After Her Dad Dissed Him
Posted on Fri Feb 23rd, 2018 10:30am PDT By X17 Staff

For a second we thought they broke up!
Scott Disick and Sofia Richie grabbed lunch together in Beverly Hills yesterday, and it doesn't seem like her dad Lionel's recent diss of LD did any harm to their relationship.
In case you missed it, the legendary singer basically called his daughter's romance with the reality star a fling, and it's pretty obvious he's not the biggest fan of The Lord!
"She’s 19. When you’re 19 you know everything. Is it going to be for life? I don’t know. But for right now it’s just a phase and I’m going to stand real still in the corner, get me a good drink and not make too much noise," he told the Daily Telegraph.
It certainly seems serious, as they just got a puppy together! Not only that, but she let her beau name her pooch!
"Her name’s [Hershela]. My boyfriend named her … I kind of just ran with it. It made me laugh. I liked Hershey and he liked Hershela, so it was like a middle ground," she told People.
"He wanted the dog for a while, but he ended up surprising me with it. I am obsessed with wiener dogs, so I’ve just been sitting at home staring at her all day like a psychopath. I think this is like my first proper outing since I got her," she added.
This must be driving Kourtney Kardashian nuts!
SEE THE GALLERY Scott Disick And Sofia Richie Do Lunch