Ben Affleck Breaks His Silence After Completing Treatment For Alcohol Addiction
Posted on Thu Oct 4th, 2018 2:20pm PDT By X17 Staff

Ben Affleck is finally breaking his silence after completing rehab for alcoholism, and it sounds like the actor is really committed to his sobriety this time around.
"This week I completed a 40-day stay at a treatment center for alcohol addiction and remain in outpatient care. The support I have received from my family, colleagues and fans means more to me than I can say. It’s given me the strength and support to speak about my illness with others," he wrote on Instagram.
"Battling any addiction is a lifelong and difficult struggle. Because of that, one is never really in or out of treatment. It is a full-time commitment. I am fighting for myself and my family. So many people have reached out on social media and spoken about their own journeys with addiction. To those people, I want to say thank you. Your strength is inspiring and supporting me in ways I didn’t think was possible. It helps to know I am not alone," he continued.
"As I’ve had to remind myself, if you have a problem, getting help is a sign of courage, not weakness or failure. With acceptance and humility, I continue to avail myself with the help of so many people and I am grateful to all those who are there for me. I hope down the road I can offer an example to others who are struggling," he concluded.
Good to have you back, Batman!