Demi Moore Opens Up About Recovery After Being On A "Path Of Self-Destruction" Early In Her Career
Posted on Mon Oct 29th, 2018 11:30am PDT By X17 Staff

It seems there have been a few bumps in the road, though.
Demi Moore was crowned woman of the year at the Peggy Albrecht Friendly House’s 29th Annual Awards Luncheon on Saturday, and the actress reflected on her own battle with addiction in her powerful acceptance speech.
"I feel like there are defining moments in our lives that shape who we are and the direction we go, and early in my career, I was spiraling down a path of real self-destruction, and no matter what successes I had, I just never felt good enough. I had absolutely no value for myself. And this self-destructive path, it very quickly … brought me to a real crisis point. And it wasn’t clear at the time the reason — maybe it was divine intervention — but two people who I barely knew stepped up and took a stand for me, and they presented me with an opportunity," she told the crowd.
"In fact, it was more like an ultimatum … unless I was dead, that I better show up. They gave me a chance to redirect the course of my life before I destroyed everything. Clearly, they saw more of me than I saw of myself. And I’m so grateful because without that opportunity, without their belief in me, I wouldn’t be standing here today," she continued.
"I know in a moment of great struggle for me, I reached out to a wise teacher and expressed my fear that I wasn’t good enough. And she said, ‘You will never be good enough but you can know the value of your worth. Put down the measuring stick.’ So today, I put down the measuring stick and I thank you for this beautiful acknowledgment and the opportunity to know the value of my worth," she concluded.
Moore went to rehab for drug and alcohol addiction in the 1980s, and then she suffered an episode after smoking "spice" and having convulsions in January 2012.
She's brave to share her struggles. Bravo!