EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS & VIDEO - Angelina Jolie Takes Shiloh To The Pet Store To Buy A Bird
Posted on Sun Jan 27th, 2019 7:35am PDT By X17 Staff

Shiloh's got a new pet!
The eldest girl,12, of the Jolie-Pitt tribe picked up a little bird with mom Angelina Jolie, on Saturday at Petco. As mall as the tiny thing was, Angelina's assistant lugged a massive birdcage in a box to the car and LOTS of bird food and accessories. How much could this chirper really need?!
Angie wore her usual all-black look with knee-high leather boots, looking slender as always. Shiloh wore her favorite cargo shorts and bulky black sneakers with a grey hoodie -- her hair cropped short.
Just the day before, we spotted Angelina at a four-hour meeting with ex Brad Pitt and the former couple's attorneys. Clearly despite a custody agreement being reached in early December, they're still hammering things out regarding their divorce and sharing time with their six kids. Hope they can work things out and stop fighting!
SEE THE GALLERY Angelina Jolie Takes Shiloh To Buy A Pet Bird