Report: Kendall Jenner Visibly Annoyed By Jordyn Woods' Presence At Coachella Party
Posted on Mon Apr 15th, 2019 11:00am PDT By X17 Staff

Awkward! Kendall Jenner and Jordyn Woods had an uncomfortable run-in at Coachella this weekend, according to a report. Both were invited to the Bootsy Bellows party presented by McDonald’s & PacSun on Saturday and the stare-down was real, y'all.
Kendall was hanging with pal Hailey Baldwin at a pool cabana right next to Jordyn and her mom Elizabeth and family BFF Jaden Smith.
"Hailey and Kendall saw Jordyn and both gave her a stare. Jordyn was visibly uncomfortable by their reaction. As Jordyn was sitting, her and her mom were in a bit of an argument and she told her mom, ‘I don’t want to discuss this right now,'" a source told Us Weekly.
Apparently that threw Jordyn off so she high-tailed it outta there, telling people just that she was "ready to leave."
Woods previously jumped up on stage during Smith's performance, so she's clearly getting back in the saddle and regaining her confidence following the cheating scandal with Khloe Kardashian's baby daddy Tristan Thompson that estranged her from BFF Kylie Jenner and the entire Kar-Jenner clan.
The source tells Us once Jordyn left the party, Kendall and Hailey were "a lot more social." Gee, the mood seems to lighten once the pariah's out of the picture! Party on, ladies!