Joaquin Phoenix And Brad Pitt Get Political At The Oscars
Posted on Mon Feb 10th, 2020 6:50am PDT By X17 Staff
Joaquin Phoenix, as he accepted the prize for Best Actor in The Joker, of course, got political in his speech ... the entire awards season has been leading up to this. The actor took on the environment, animal cruelty, and cancel culture, among other things. Watch it and let us know ... is this what you want from your Hollywood stars?
Even Brad Pitt got into the game, albeit, with a quick joke rather than a purely politically-focused speech. The Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Best Supporting Actor made a quick impeachment joke and we kinda liked it ...

Should actors talk politics in their awards acceptance speeches?
Sure! They have a voice and a platform -- use it! | |
No! Keep to acting and stay silent on politics! |