President Trump Says Sexual Assault Allegations Against Him Are "Fake News"

Posted on Tue Oct 17th, 2017 9:05am PDT       By X17 Staff

Of course this would be his response.

Donald Trump dismissed the sexual misconduct allegations made against him by a former Apprentice contestant during a press conference in the White House rose garden yesterday, and the President used his fall back excuse to discredit the reports.

"All I can say is it’s totally fake news. It’s fake and made-up stuff and it’s disgraceful what happens, but that happens in the world of politics," he told reporters.

His accuser Summer Zervos' lawyers have subpoenaed Trump's camp for all documents concerning “any woman alleging that Donald J. Trump touched her inappropriately" or "subjected any woman to unwanted sexual touching and/or sexually inappropriate behavior." The subpoena was filed on September 19, Buzzfeed News reports.

Zervos claims that she had been in contact with Trump a year after appearing on his reality show, in an attempt to work for his company. During one meeting at Trump Tower, she says the POTUS repeatedly kissed her without her consent. Then, during another meeting at the Beverly Hills hotel a few days later, things escalated even further. Trump allegedly "open-mouthed" kissed her, touched her breasts, and pressed his "genitals" against her.

We've all heard the Access Hollywood "p*ssy grabbing" audio, so this doesn't sound totally out of character for him.


Stars Like Reese Witherspoon And Jennifer Lawrence Come Forward With Their Stories Of Sexual Harassment

Posted on Tue Oct 17th, 2017 8:20am PDT       By X17 Staff

Stars like Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Lawrence, America Ferrara and Martha Stewart are coming forward with their own stories of sexual harassment and assault, in the wake of Harvey Weinstein's scandal and the #MeToo campaign.

Reese made her confession during an appearance at the Elle Women in Hollywood event, and gave credit to the strong women speaking out against powerful men.

"I didn't sleep at all last night. This is gonna be a real emotional roller coaster. I just want to say that this has just been a really hard week for women in Hollywood, for women all over the world, for men and a lot of situations and a lot of industries that are forced to remember and relive a lot of ugly truths," she began.

"I have my own experiences that have come back to me very vividly and I found it really hard to sleep, hard to think, hard to communicate a lot of the feelings I've been having, the anxiety about being honest, the guilt for not speaking up earlier, for taking action. [I feel] true disgust at the director who assaulted me when I was 16-years-old and anger at the agents and the producers who made me feel that silence was a condition of my employment. I wish I could tell you that that was an isolated incident in my career, but sadly, it wasn't," she continued.

"We're kind of told to sweep it under the rug and not talk about. It's made me want to speak up and speak up loudly because I felt less alone this week than I have ever felt in my entire career. I've just spoken to so many actresses and writers and particularly women, who've had similar experiences and many of them have bravely gone public with their stories and that truth is very encouraging to me and to everyone out there in the world because you can only heal by telling the truth … I feel very encouraged by this group of people tonight who have created a community of people who are champions now of a new attitude towards harassment in our industry and every industry that's going to address the abuse of power in this business," she concluded.

J.Law, also at the same event, shared a story about a "degrading" audition she had when she was first starting out in the business.

Here's her story:
    "When I was much younger and starting out I was told by producers of a film to lose 15 pounds in two weeks. One girl before me had already been fired for not losing enough weight fast enough and during this time a female producer had me do a nude line-up with five women who were much, much thinner than me. We all stood side-by-side with only [tape] covering our privates. After that degrading and humiliating line-up, the female producer told me I should use the naked photos of myself as inspiration for my diet. I can laugh now, it's OK. The director of that film asked if he could have me star in a porno as a character along with many other things that are too inappropriate to repeat here in this dress. If at any point you're wondering, 'Why didn't I stick up for myself?' I tried. I asked to speak to a producer about the unrealistic diet regime and he replied by saying he didn't know why everyone thought I was so fat. He thought I was perfectly f—kable. I let myself get treated a certain way because I felt like I had to for my career. I was young and walking that fine line of sticking up for myself without being called difficult, which they did call me, but I believe the word they used was 'nightmare.' Every human being, no matter how successful they are, should have the power to be treated with respect because they're human. … In a dream world, everyone is treated with the exact same level of respect, but until we reach that goal, I will lend my ear, I will lend my voice to any boy, girl, man or woman who does not feel like they can protect themselves. These past couple of weeks have been harrowing to hear all of the women's stories who have opened up about their experiences with sexual harassment, but in all of the sadness I think it's been oddly unifying. It's so fundamental to the female experience to be mistreated and feel ashamed of it or worse, to be made to feel ashamed, but thanks to the women before us who [have] fought for our right to vote, for our right to choose, we are now living in a somewhat confused world, but confused isn't bad, confused is progress. I think some men are still confused about what to do with us, what to do with a woman that's better at her job than a male coworker, what to do with a wife who makes more money than her husband, what to do with a woman who isn't afraid to speak bluntly and disagree. It is confusing and in this slow transition, we're all still learning. I'm still learning that I don't have to smile when a man makes me feel uncomfortable."

Over on Instagram, America Ferrara wrote about a sexual assault that happened to her at the young age of 9.

"First time I can remember being sexually assaulted I was 9 years old. I told no one and lived with the shame and guilt thinking all along that I, a 9 year old child, was somehow responsible for the actions of a grown man. He would smile at me and wave, and I would hurry past him, my blood running cold, my guts carrying the burden of what only he & I knew — that he expected me to shut my mouth and smile back. Ladies, let's beak the silence so the next generation of girls won't have to live with this bullsh*t," she posted.

Martha Stewart experienced sexual harassment when she was 16-years-old and first starting out as a model.

Here's the account she gave to People:
    "I was asked to wear a bikini under my clothes. I thought, ‘Oh, maybe we’re doing a beach commercial or something.' So I go into the room and there’s a table with all men sitting around it and it’s an advertisement agency, I can’t remember which one it was. They said, ‘Now you can take your clothes off,’ and I said, ‘Oh, is this where are we doing the commercial? Are we wearing bikinis in the commercial.’ They said, ‘No, but as long as you’re here we might as well see what you look like.’ I thought that was harassment of the first order. I just walked out of the room. I said, ‘I’m sorry, gentleman. This is not what I’m here for.’ And I left. That’s harassment, but there’s other kinds of harassment. Encouraging your children that they can do anything they want is good to reinforcing their own sense of self and self-worth. I think that’s terribly important. I think women just have to understand that you can say no. You can walk out of a room. It might hurt your career so you’ll find something better somewhere else.”

It's powerful, but also kind of disturbing, how many women in the world share these horrific tales of abuse.


Pregnant Khloe Kardashian Gushes Over Her "Love" Tristan Thompson As She Offers Relationship Advice

Posted on Mon Oct 16th, 2017 1:45pm PDT       By X17 Staff

❤️ My Love ❤️

A post shared by Khloé (@khloekardashian) on

This is obviously a throwback pic from their trip to Jamaica last February, but it's still cute!

Khloe Kardashian shared a sweet photo of herself hugging and kissing boyfriend-turned-baby daddy Tristan Thompson on Instagram today, just hours after offering her best relationship advice on her personal website.

“I think with any relationship the key is to always have respect for one another. There are no winners in fighting. If you win, that means your partner loses, so that’s not really a win for you, is it? Be the one to change first. While it takes two to couple up, it takes only one to make things a whole lot better,” she wrote.

“No matter how old or new a relationship is, I believe in always praising your partner for the good that they bring and add to your life. It’s so easy to focus on the negative, but once you start criticizing one another, it’s really hard to get out of that rut," she added.

Not losing your independence is also key, according to Khlo!

"I think keeping your own circle of friends, along with your own hobbies and interests, will only make your relationship stronger, because you’re still doing your own thing,” she explained.

We have a feeling an engagement is coming once the baby arrives!


Rose McGowan Claims Weinstein's Temporary Attorney Lisa Bloom Offered Her $6M To Stay Quiet About Abuse Accusations

Posted on Mon Oct 16th, 2017 12:55pm PDT       By X17 Staff

Her silence can't be bought.

Rose McGowan just put Harvey Weinstein's former attorney Lisa Bloom on blast, for attempting to pay her over $6 million to keep her mouth shut about the studio exec's sexual abuse, shortly before the allegations came to light.

Bloom quit representing the disgraced movie mogul last week after getting major backlash from the public, but McGowan is on a mission to remind everyone that the high powered attorney helped Weinstein get away with countless incidents of inappropriate conduct.

Here is the full open letter McGowan posted to Facebook:
    Lisa Bloom. Lisa Bloom.Your very name makes my stomach clench with a stressed tightness that takes my breath away. As does your mercenary act of depravity. Did you think of how it would affect victims to see you champion a rapist? How it felt to those you once “fought for,” for them to know that you used them. You remember them right? They were the victims of assaults, women you’d previously helped. You lied to those hurt women and hid your true character. You wanted a shortcut to fame. You sold your book to be made into a mini-series, where you’d be the next Erin Brokovich, right?

    But your avarice has taken you down. And I am glad. You cannot spin your gaslighting web on us, the public, and have it remove TRUTH.

    You know what is truth, Lisa? I feel like people should know that you’ve been calling my literary agent and saying there’d be money for me if I got on the ‘Harvey’s Changed’ bandwagon? You told her that I should care about HIS reputation. How HE has a family now and HE has changed. Well, guess what? I’ve always had a family and that didn’t stop him from assaulting me.This is the lie you rode in on, Lisa Bloom. You are done. We see you for who and what you are. You are a snake that sold out other women who are purer than you can ever hope to be.

    Your ‘colossal mistake’ was adding to the trauma of all those you’ve represented by conspiring against me. I know a con when I see one, after all, I grew up in Hollywood. I can see you a mile away, and you smell like rot. I have a quadruple PhD in your brand of bullsh*t, Lisa Bloom, so I’m not buying.You and your vile partner in evil, your co-counsel, Charles Harder, have been hounding me for months now. Terrorizing me at every turn. Trying to silence me.

    You know what I just got, Lisa? I, a single female activist/artist in her 40s, just received a $24,000 bill from my attorney because of you. My side was telling me to settle and take the Swine’s money. Charles Harder was the nasty heavy to your silvery tongue of faux-concern. I even had to pay for my attorney to have breakfast with Charles Harder so I could find out what you two pigs were going to do to me IF I TELL THE TRUTH. Let me repeat, I now have to pay for two incredibly wealthy men 24k for haggling over my deepest pain. I have to pay for two men to have coffee and croissants at a fancy restaurant to discuss my ASSAULT and what would happen to me if I DIDN’T SHUT UP FOREVER. I, the victim, now owe $24,000 because of the cancer THAT IS YOU.

    In the last 6 months, I was pressured over and over by my attorney to TAKE THE SETTLEMENT and be SILENCED. I hemmed and hawed, and drove up my price tag all the while engaging heavily with the NYT and Ronan Farrow. I gave them my deal, the document of truth. The night before the NEW YORK TIMES exposé came out, I was being pushed hard to settle. I was offered one million dollars. No way. I then drove it to 6 million. I was warring with thoughts about being able to take care of my aunt, Mom and family vs my integrity. But no. I could not. I walked away from a potential six million dollars. I will not be purchased. I will not be sold. Never again.

    When I was 23 I was hurt by the Swine. I have had a 350 lbs monster stuck to me for twenty years. Guess what, Lisa? Now he’s all yours. It’s your obituary his name will be in, not mine. A little background, when I was hurt by the Monster, my then lawyer was someone named David Feldman and he is the one who came at me with the $100,000 offer. He was just trying to curry favor from the Swine, Lisa, just like you. Feldman approached me to do the buy off. It would never have occurred to me to ask for money. Truly.

    The “payout,” came after I asked my then powerful managers for help getting me justice. I pleaded for help from them, my lawyer and agent. They said they’d help me. I was set up on a special meeting in their fancy conference room with the long cherrywood table. They said don’t go to the police, we need you to consult with someone first. A meeting took place between me and a bull framed criminal attorney, a women, who seemed to delight trthat since I had done a sex scene in a movie, I would never win. I now suspect she was an actor hired to bully me. But I also knew she was right. Society was so shaming of me since the day I grew breasts. And so I began hatching a long range plan. A battle plan.

    So I took the 100k. Two reasons. 1) it was my only way of telling the SWINE I was not willing to play along. He went ballistic. I knew I wouldn’t be working for years because he’d see to that. 2) Disgusting Hollywood people gave me hardcore PTSD and I needed out. I’m sure you’ve had your other clients tell you about their PTSD, right Lisa? I need therapy.

    The attack left me with night terrors. I’d sweat through the sheets and the mattress, my hair matted, my heart racing. Lisa, that is how I spent my night for years. I was so tortured I knew I’d be plagued for years to come, I’d be needing deep therapy. I knew because of my uncontrollable crying and shaking. I knew because my mind was fracturing. I had been a whole person, now I was left with the job of putting myself back together while jackals like you drank champagne and sneered and participated in the illusion of power.

    Well, f*ck you and all of your pig kind, Lisa Bloom. Guess what real power is? The truth. I never signed an NDA. Back then I refused. I’ve told scores of people the truth. And the open secret in Hollywood and mainstream media laid shame at my door. Lisa Bloom, I had to play the trickiest game of my life because your threats were all about trying to silence me NOW. You don’t get a mea culpa do over. We don’t trust you. We don’t like you. We see you.The scarlet letter is yours, and it’s S is for SHAME. Lisa Bloom. #ROSEARMY has spoken."


Bloom responded to the open letter, but denies many of McGowan's allegations.

"I never called Rose McGowan's literary agent. I don't even know who her agent is. I never threatened Rose McGowan, nor offered her money, nor reached out to her. This is completely false. I have withdrawn from my representation of Harvey Weinstein and apologized for being involved in this. I am sorry for the pain Rose McGowan is in. But this is completely false," Bloom told Buzzfeed News.

Rose doesn't mess around, and it's totally bad ass!


Model Off-Duty! Kaia Gerber Rolls Out Of Bed ... Without Her Pants!

Posted on Mon Oct 16th, 2017 12:10pm PDT       By X17 Staff

Nobody can look their best all the time!

Kaia Gerber looked mighty sleepy as she grabbed breakfast in Malibu over the weekend, and the teenage model couldn't hide the giant bags under her eyes. We don't blame her for being exhausted, as she's had a whirlwind month of hitting the catwalk for various fashion week shows. She's being called the new "It" girl, and it's a big title to live up to. That and she was out late the night before with a pal at Nobu!

A lot of parents would be scared to death of their young daughter entering into the modeling world at this age, but mom Cindy Crawford doesn't see a problem with it.

"My daughter just got her driver’s license. I’m a lot more concerned about her driving by herself than her entering the world of modeling. The great thing for my kids is that I know a lot about that world. I feel like: Who better to help guide them than me?” she recently told The Associated Press.

“In some ways, I wish I could have pushed it off a year or two. But she’s 16. That’s how old I was when I started, which is young, but in fashion that’s kind of the normal age when people start," she added.

They grow up so fast!


Ben And Jen's Tension Is Visible As They Try To Co-Parent

Posted on Mon Oct 16th, 2017 11:15am PDT       By X17 Staff

Things are frosty!

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner have been doing their best to co-parent their three children in the wake of their shocking split, but from the looks of it, it's a little more of a challenge than either of them realized. The two spent time together with their brood on Sunday, and the actress looked visibly tense around her ex. Earlier in the day they went to church together with the kids, though the two kept their distance. Something notable, however -- Jen certainly stepped up her fashion game this week. Check out her sexy Sunday best!

Jen's revenge body is on point -- of course she's getting paid to work out, as she tones up for her upcoming role in the female action film Peppermint. Her "recipe for turning mom back into an action lady," as she dubbed a recent Instagram video of her workout regimen, is definitely working! With the intense exercise, she can channel her disappointment/jealousy/anger for Ben into muscles ...

A source tells X17:
    "Jen has taken the high road this whole time, but she's sick of it. She forced Ben back into outpatient rehab to prevent things from getting any worse, but she's heartbroken for their kids. For months, Ben was more focused on his new romance with Lindsay than he was on parenting, and Jen made it clear he needed to reprioritize and focus on the children and his sobriety. Consequently, Lindsay has been back in New York, and she's worried about the future of their relationship because she's not getting as much attention as she was earlier this summer."

They were in better spirits this morning, as we caught Ben arriving at his rehab facility and Jen grabbing coffee with a gal pal in Brentwood. Solo time seems a little less stressful!


Kim Kardashian Says Bad Paparazzi Pics Have Given Her A "Full Phobia" Of Getting Her Picture Taken

Posted on Mon Oct 16th, 2017 10:20am PDT       By X17 Staff


Kim Kardashian is trying really hard to convince everyone that she has insecurities, and on the latest episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, she claimed that those unflattering bikini pics of her in Mexico have given her a "full phobia" of being photographed by the paparazzi.

"You definitely get a thick skin once you have been through it a lot, but pictures just keep coming up every day and they just won’t let it go. I know I can handle anything and everything, and if I can’t handle it … who can?" she whined in one scene.

“I just am in the house so much that I get so freaked out if anyone like, looks at me. [It’s a] full phobia — I freak out about everything. Why do I subject myself to being seen? Why don’t I just stay at home?” she added.

Later in the show, sisters Khloe and Kourtney devise a plan to get rid of her social media access on her phone, so that she stops obsessing over her image.

"Kim is normally not this insecure. If she just didn’t have access to social media or just stopped looking at the blogs, I think that she would start to feel better," Kourtney muses.

"I feel like one of the best things she did for herself after her Paris incident was she really detached herself from the internet and social media. I think we kind of need to step in and do something like that so she realizes this does not matter, and we take that bulls— out of her life," Khloe revealed.

We all know Kimmy K is incredibly full of herself, so we're not buying this!


Joe Jonas And Sophie Turner Engaged, Demi Lovato Reacts

Posted on Mon Oct 16th, 2017 9:50am PDT       By X17 Staff

Another JoBro is off the market!

Joe Jonas popped the question to girlfriend Sophie Turner, and she said yes! The Game of Thrones star and the singer both announced the happy news on Instagram, and people like his ex-girlfriend Demi Lovato were quick to congratulate them!

"She said yes," the DNCE frontman captioned a pic of the ring. "HUGE CONGRATS. Sooooo happy for the both of you!" Lovato wrote in the comments section of the post.

The couple first went public with their romance at the Golden Globes in January 2017. Before Sophie, Joe famously dated Gigi Hadid, Taylor Swift, Ashley Greene and a host of other Hollywood beauties.

Bring on the (wedding) cake by the ocean!

She said yes.

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