Christina Applegate capplegate200.jpg Christina Applegate certainly isn't taking any chances in her battle against breast cancer - earlier this morning, she revealed that she had both her breasts removed to keep the deadly disease from spreading!

Better Safe Than Sorry
In her first interview since announcing her diagnosis earlier this month, the Samantha Who? starlet told Good Morning America that doctors had performed a double mastectomy on her three weeks ago, and that she would spend the next eight months undergoing reconstructive surgery.

Applegate elected to have both breasts removed even though her cancer had been contained in one breast. "I just wanted to kind of be rid of it," she told GMA. "So this was the choice I made and it was a tough one."

Applegate claims to now be cancer-free.

A Healthy Attitude
Fortunately, Applegate isn't letting her loss dampen her spirits - in fact, she claims that the ordeal has taught her invaluable lessons about her own strength!

"I've laughed so much in the last three weeks," she told GMA. "I love living, and I really love my life, and I knew that from this moment on it was only going to be good that was going to be coming. Yeah, I'll face challenges, but you can't get any darker than where I've been. So knowing that in my soul gave me the strength to just say 'I have to get out there and make this a positive.'"

Ever the comedienne, Christina even tried to make light of her situation on GMA!

"I'm going to have cute boobs 'til I'm 90, so there's that," she joked in the interview. "I'll have the best boobs in the nursing home. I'll be the envy of all the ladies around the bridge table."