Lilo's Definitely NOT In The Christmas Spirit
Posted on Tue Dec 23rd, 2008 8:05am PDT By X17 Staff

We can understand being a little agitated after Sam's hospital scare (although Samantha herself attributed it to nothing more than a little "exhaustion" and good old fashioned jewish worry), but Lindsay acted downright scrooge-like in Beverly Hills yesterday!
The leggings-clad Lilo got in a little "me" time of her own, doing some solo shopping in Beverly Hills, when she yelled at a photog to "get out of my way you f*cking scumbag!"
But later she explained that she just "never get[s] to do this," referring to being able to shop completely on her own. But what's stopping her? Well, other than perhaps her over-protective girlfriend?
After that, she reunited with Samantha for a trip to (where else?) Maxfield and Barney's to complete her X-mas shopping.
Hopefully Samantha got her something to replace the scowl with a smile on her beautiful face!
SEE THE GALLERY Lilo And Sam Go X-mas Shopping