X17 Feature: Chris Brown Suffered Abuse During Childhood
Posted on Tue Feb 10th, 2009 10:55am PDT By X17 Staff

Although Chris Brown's alleged beating of his longtime girlfriend Rihanna certainly came as a shock to the general public, after looking into his childhood history of abuse and violence, it seems like this is something Chris has been battling with in one way or another most of his young life.
A little over a year ago, Brown told Contact Music about the pain he and his family suffered at the hands of someone close to them, in intimate detail.
- "I don't want to mention the person's name - it wasn't my real father - but somebody hurt my mom and me, I had to deal with that from seven all the way to 13. It affected me, especially towards women - I treat them differently. I don't want to put a woman through the same thing that person put my mom through."
Although Chris' experiences may have initially caused him to treat women with care and respect, it's hard to break the cycle of violence, and Brown admitted to Giant that he used to dream about killing the man who hurt his mom.
- "(I told my mother) 'I just want you to know that I love you, but I'm gonna take a baseball bat one day while you are at work, and I'm gonna kill him.' He used to hit my mom...He made me terrified all the time, terrified like I had to pee on myself. I remember one night he made her nose bleed. I was crying and thinking, 'I'm just gonna go crazy on him one day...' I hate him to this day."
As if it's not hard enough to deal with the pressures of fame at a young age (not to mention dating someone even more famous than yourself), apparently things between Chris and Rihanna had started to turn rocky weeks ago.
MTV cites numerous sources who claim the couple had his a "rough patch" and rumors swirled about fights and infidelities.
I guess all that coupled with the history of violence culminated in Chris allegedly exploding on Rihanna last Saturday night.
SEE THE GALLERY Chris Before The Fight