We've just uncovered even more juicy details about Sam and Lindsay's fight in Las Vegas last night, and it's not pretty! I mean, I'm sure the two will be all lovey dovey again within 48 hours, but this seems like it might be one of their worst spats to date, so who knows!

Linds and her bodyguard left Los Angeles for Sin City around 9pm last night, and when she arrived at Prive four hours later, Linds was greeted by a surprised and somewhat upset Samantha. However, after the celesbians shared a few jack and cokes, you'd think everything was okay, right?


An X17online photog inside the club reveals that Lindsay sent two of her drinks back because they weren't "strong enough," and she was behaving very erratically throughout the night. Around 3am, Lindsay left to go to the bathroom, at which point Samantha snuck out and went to her room to grab her belongings. After she collected her things, she made her way to her black Porsche and left. Our X17 photog tells us exclusively:

    "Lindsay came back from her bathroom trip, and she noticed that Sam was gone, and that's when she stormed down the escalator and screamed, "I can't believe that f*cking b*tch left me!" Lindsay had a drink in her hand, which she later handed off to the security guard. After Linds ditched her drink, she got in the car and sped off. I'm 95% sure Lindsay chased Sam back to LA that night, and she was by herself."

So what happened to her poor bodyguard? Well, Linds left him high and dry, and as she was leaving, our photog tells us that she screamed at him to get a plane ticket, and that she'd reimburse him. Wow, Linds. Just...wow. Think that bodyguard is still working for Miss Lohan?