George Clooney, Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Winslet And Others Slam Harvey Weinstein Amid Sexual Harassment Scandal, But Donna Karan Defends Him!

Posted on Tue Oct 10th, 2017 8:20am PDT       By X17 Staff

We find it funny that nobody said anything until he lost his job.

George Clooney, Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Winslet and other huge stars are finally breaking their silence on Harvey Weinstein's sexual harassment scandal and subsequent firing, and a lot of them are making it seem as if they hadn't heard the rumors about the power producer, even though it was an open secret in Hollywood for years!

"It’s indefensible. That’s the only word you can start with. Harvey’s admitted to it, and it’s indefensible. I’ve known Harvey for 20 years. He gave me my first big break as an actor in films on From Dusk Till Dawn, he gave me my first big break as a director with Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. We’ve had dinners, we’ve been on location together, we’ve had arguments. But I can tell you that I’ve never seen any of this behavior — ever," George Clooney told The Daily Beast.

Kate Winslet is equally as outraged!

"The fact that these women are starting to speak out about the gross misconduct of one of our most important and well regarded film producers is incredibly brave and has been deeply shocking to hear. The way Harvey Weinstein has treated these vulnerable, talented young women is NOT the way women should ever EVER deem to be acceptable or commonplace in ANY workplace,” Winslet said in a statement to Variety.

"I have no doubt that for these women this time has been, and continues to be extremely traumatic. I fully embrace and salute their profound courage, and I unequivocally support this level of very necessary exposure of someone who has behaved in reprehensible and disgusting ways. His behaviour is without question disgraceful and appalling and very, very wrong. I had hoped that these kind of stories were just made up rumours, maybe we have all been naïve. And it makes me so angry. There must be ‘no tolerance’ of this degrading, vile treatment of women in ANY workplace anywhere in the world," she added.

Here are some other celeb reactions:
    Jennifer Lawrence: "I was deeply disturbed to hear the news about Harvey Weinstein’s behavior. I worked with Harvey five years ago and I did not experience any form of harassment personally, nor did I know about any of these allegations. This kind of abuse is inexcusable and absolutely upsetting. My heart goes out to all of the women affected by these gross actions. And I want to thank them for their bravery to come forward."
    Olivia Wilde: "Let's be clear. What Harvey Weinstein did to those women was nothing short of abuse. I am disturbed, and disgusted. It's appalling. Though I never witnessed it, I stand in solidarity with his victims, and hope their bravery sends a loud message to all abusers of power. The victim blaming needs to stop. As does the shaming of women who didn't come forward earlier. They spoke, and we are here to listen."
    Jessica Chastain: " I was warned from the beginning. The stories were everywhere. To deny that is to create an environment for it to happen again.”
    Mark Ruffalo: "To be clear what Harvey Weinstein did was a disgusting abuse of power and horrible. I hope we are now seeing the beginning of the end of these abuses."
    Meryl Streep: "The disgraceful news about Harvey Weinstein has appalled those of us whose work he championed, and those whose good and worthy causes he supported. The intrepid women who raised their voices to expose this abuse are our heroes.”
    Judi Dench: "Whilst there is no doubt that Harvey Weinstein has helped and championed my career for the past 20 years, I was completely unaware of these offences which are, of course, horrifying, and I offer my sympathy to those who have suffered, and wholehearted support to those who have spoken out.”
    Lena Dunham: "The reason I am zeroing in on the men is that they have the least to lose and the most power to shift the narrative, and are probably not dealing with the same level of collective and personal trauma around these allegations. But here we are, days later, waiting for Mr. Weinstein’s most powerful collaborators to say something. Anything. It wouldn’t be just a gift to the women he has victimized, but a message to the women who are watching our industry closely. They need a signal that we do not approve of the abuse of power and hatred of women that is the driving force behind this kind of behavior.”
    America Ferrara: "This abuse of power must be called out, however powerful the abuser, and we must publicly stand with those brave enough to come forward.”
    Julianne Moore: "Coming forward about sexual abuse and coercion is scary and women have nothing to be gained by personally doing so. But through their bravery we move forward as a culture and I think them. Stand with @AshleyJudd @rosemcgowan and others.”

Designer Donna Karan, however, came to Weinstein's defense, and actually suggested that perhaps his accusers were "asking" for it!

"How do we display ourselves? How do we present ourselves as women? What are we asking? Are we asking for it by presenting all the sensuality and sexuality? You look at everything all over the world today, how women are dressing and what they’re asking by just presenting themselves the way they do. What are they asking for? Trouble," she told the Daily Mail during an interview at the CinéFashion Film Awards in L.A. on Sunday.

Of course, she got MAJOR backlash, and was quick to apologize.

"[I] made a statement that was not representative of how I feel or what I believe. My statements were taken out of context and do not represent how I feel about the current situation concerning Harvey Weinstein. I believe that sexual harassment is NOT acceptable and this is an issue that MUST be addressed once and for all regardless of the individual. I am truly sorry to anyone that I offended and everyone that has ever been a victim," she said in a statement to Us Weekly.

We bet Weinstein wishes this was just a bad movie!


MUST-SEE PHOTOS - Kim And Kourtney Go Shopping For Baby #3

Posted on Mon Oct 9th, 2017 2:15pm PDT       By X17 Staff

Kim's starting to nest! The soon-to-be mother-of-three brought along some experienced help today on a shopping trip to buybuy Baby in Woodland Hills. Kourtney's already got three kids, so she's the expert on stocking up for baby #3 and Kim probably needs all the help she can get!

Of course we all know Kim and hubby Kanye West are expecting a baby via surrogate in January, so it's time to start preparing.

The overly-glam duo arrived in heels and short shorts to stock up on supplies. Kim wore cut-off sweatshorts with an oversized forest-print tee and her favorite Yeezy heeled lace-up booties. But the most striking thing about her look was the glam-girl high blonde ponytail -- so different for Kim!

Kourtney looked stunning in a black off-the-shoulder blouse and denim cut-offs with stilettos. These two stormed the store in haute couture looks as if to say, "Watch out! MILFs coming through!


EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS & VIDEO - Kaia Gerber's Back In Malibu For Some Much-Needed R&R After Modeling Her Butt Off In Europe!

Posted on Mon Oct 9th, 2017 12:54pm PDT       By X17 Staff

We can't get enough of cutie Kaia Gerber! And neither can the fashion world ...

Kaia found herself on the biggest, most important catwalks during Paris, Milan and London fashion weeks recently so now the 16-year-old supermodel is back home in Malibu for some down-time. She palled-around with a friend at the Point Dume mall on Sunday, grabbing a $12 smoothie at Sun Life Organics. Hey, she can afford it with all the dough she's been raking in from modeling gigs!

The daughter of supermodel Cindy Crawford and tequila mogul Rande Gerber is also enjoying soaking up the California sun from the deck of their multi-million dollar beach house. Kaia posted this selfie over the weekend -- yep, it's warm enough here to be in a bikini!


A post shared by Kaia (@kaiagerber) on


Megyn Kelly Finally Got A "Juicy" Interview ... She And Others Cover Harvey Weinstein's Alleged Sexual Harassment

Posted on Mon Oct 9th, 2017 12:26pm PDT       By X17 Staff

Finally Megyn Kelly gets a winner! After numerous interview FAILS, including her Will & Grace segment and others, producers for Kelly's new Today Show block finally realized that sex sells and the biggest story today is Harvey Weinstein exposing himself, masterbating and otherwise sexually harassing women. Hello ratings!

This morning, reporter Lauren Sivan details her story of inappropriate advances by Harvey and we're pretty sure viewership climaxed during the piece. And Kelly wasn't the only one to talk about X-rated Weinstein activity this morning -- Kathie Lee Gifford also talked about p*nises and ejaculation while viewers will drinking their morning coffee and probably gagging on their cornflakes. Gifford's friends will Weinstein so she chose to pass over his p*nis stories and move on to an experience she had with a Hollywood producer she chooses not to name -- but basically the same thing her pal Harvey was doing, was done to her, too. Oh man, cum on!

The Weinstein news doesn't stop there ... Oscar heavy-hitter Meryl Street weighed in with this statement this morning: "The disgraceful news about Harvey Weinstein has appalled those of us whose work he championed, and those whose good and worthy causes he supported. The intrepid women who raised their voices to expose this abuse are our heroes. One thing can be clarified. Not everybody knew."

Glenn Close said in a statement to The New York Times: "I'm sitting here, deeply upset, acknowledging to myself that, yes, for many years, I have been aware of the vague rumors that Harvey Weinstein had a pattern of behaving inappropriately around women. Harvey has always been decent to me, but now that the rumors are being substantiated, I feel angry and darkly sad. I'm angry, not just at him and the conspiracy of silence around his actions, but also that the 'casting couch' phenomenon, so to speak, is still a reality in our business and in the world: the horrible pressure, the awful expectation put on a woman when a powerful, egotistical, entitled bully expects sexual favors in exchange for a job."

Others like Susan Sarandon, Heather Graham, Mark Ruffalo and Lena Dunham have Tweeted in support of Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan having the courage to come forward with their stories.

And last but not least, Saturday Night Live is being SLAMMED for not addressing the Weinstein story in this weekend's show. Legendary SNL producer Lorne Michaels, when asked why the show skipped this obvious topic, said, "It's a New York thing." Well here's another three-letter acronym, SNL ... WTF?!


Blac Chyna And Rob Kardashian Are Now Being Sued By Her Ex, Pilot Jones

Posted on Mon Oct 9th, 2017 11:50am PDT       By X17 Staff

Lawsuits all around!

Now Blac Chyna's bisexual ex wannabe model Pilot Jones is taking the former stripper and Rob Kardashian to court, claiming the former couple cyberbullied and gay-shamed him!

Let's try to understand this ... Chyna sued Rob for cyberbulling, slut-shaming and cyberstalking and then Rob turned around and sued Chyna for being an unfit mother and doing drugs and drinking; now Jones is suing both of these guys for mostly the same stuff! He says the former couple disseminated private information that led to so much stress he almost committed suicide.

He said Rob and Chyna shared his email address and phone number on social media and a slew of phone calls and emails followed, among them two reading: "T'oday will be the last day of you walking b----,' and 'You're a f------ snake for doing that to Rob & Chyna.'" Jones and Chyna dated "around the end of 2015" when Chyna and Rob were having trouble, but the reality stars eventually reunited and joined together to battle Jones.

Jones said he tried to kill himself following the scandal in 2016 because he was afraid it would ruin his relationship with his two sons. He says of the entire incident: "I'm not the only bisexual man that Blac Chyna has dated, and I was not the last, you know what I'm saying? I feel like the thing that brought us together, she's used against me. She tried to make me feel ashamed of who I am, and that's not OK." He says Chyna "tried to intimidate [him] via social media" and "clearly did bully" him over his sexuality. His suit states: "At the end of the day, all of us in this situation are parents and look at the example that we are teaching. These platforms are being used to really harass people. I was outed on social media."

We caught up with Chyna at LAX today and asked her about it ...


Kourtney Kardashian Can Hardly Keep Her Eyes Open During An Outing With Her Three Kids

Posted on Mon Oct 9th, 2017 9:32am PDT       By X17 Staff

Being a mother of three ain't easy!

Kourtney Kardashian could hardly keep her eyes open during a family outing to the farmers' market on Sunday. Kids Reign, Penelope and Mason kept her busy, even though she had a friend along with them, and poor Kourt looked like she was about to pass out!

Speaking of passing out ... on last night's episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kourt was raging in Mexico for her birthday celebration -- which was shot a couple months ago -- and bragging out throwing up in her bed and passing out in her puke! Who knew the mother-of-three could rage like that! Meanwhile, baby daddy Scott Disick was jealous and pissed off that his baby mama is allowed to party like that and not get sent to rehab, as he said he would have been. Funny what a different a few weeks makes; I don't think Kourtney even gives a sh*t if Scott goes to rehab at this point; she OVER IT! She's calling his hook-ups hookings (Sofia Richie) and seems to have just completely given up on the Lord. Anyway, check out this scene, which really feels like a throwback at this point ...


EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS & VIDEO - Mariah Carey's Still Going Strong With Boy Toy Bryan Tanaka

Posted on Mon Oct 9th, 2017 8:58am PDT       By X17 Staff

These two are still going strong! The 47-year-old diva Mariah Carey is making it work with her much younger boyfriend Bryan Tanaka, 34. After calling off her engagement to Australian media magnate James Packer last October, Mariah's been joined at the hip with her backup dancer beau -- and it's no surprise, he's WAY hotter than Packer -- Packer wasn't packing much heat. That said, is is a billionaire.

The couple shared a romantic dinner at sushi restaurant Katsuya Hollywood Saturday night, both clad in matching black leather biker jackets. The two like to dress alike -- in fact the absolute best part of Mimi's World, Mariah's reality show, was her taking Bryan shopping in Paris for a new leather jacket and other big-ticket items, while he kinda acted like a diva to the store clerks and assistants ... even though he was one of them about five minutes before!

And let's deconstruct this pic ... is Bryan actually holding Mimi up as she walks down the stairs? ...


Beyonce Looks Just Like Daughter Blue Ivy In This Throwback Pic

Posted on Mon Oct 9th, 2017 6:45am PDT       By X17 Staff


Beyonce's mom Tina Knowles posted a throwback of her adorable daughter and fans are going wild at how closely the young star resembles Blue Ivy. Tina wrote: "If Beyoncé don’t look like Blue on this photo!!! Getting her braids done by Toni."

You might have thought Blue was the spitting image of her dad Jay Z but this pic proves otherwise. It might also prove -- to those who don't believe that Beyonce was ever pregnant -- that Blue IS in fact the genetic offspring of Beyonce. Of course I guess that doesn't prove she carried her for nine months ...

Anywho! This pic gives the Beyhive something to talk about until the next photo release -- which we HOPE and PRAY will be some new shots of twins Rumi and Sir! Pleeeeeease, Bey!


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